Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pathways Aboriginal Centre


The Aboriginal Child, Youth and Family Worker (ACYFW) is a partnership program with RYSA, the Richmond School District and Vancouver Coastal Health. The program works with the school district, counselors, community agencies, other service providers and RYSA to ensure that Aboriginal children, youth and families are supported to receive or access resources and assistance they require  to promote health and wellness, success at school and at home with respect and consideration of their diverse traditions, and culture.

Services include:
·       One to one support in school or out of school
·       Assistance with accessing services and supports in the community to meet individual/family needs
·       Goal setting and mentoring
·       Skill building activities
·       Cultural activities and exploration
·       Assistance resolving family challenges
·       Assistance with school issues or challenges
·       Recreation and social activities
·       Regular family nights
·       A resource and information newsletter

Jelica Shaw
Child, Youth and Family Worker
Pathway’s Aboriginal Centre
Richmond Youth Service Agency
#110 – 7900 Alderbrige Way
604 271-7600 ext. 102
fx: 604 271-7626

Monday, September 14, 2015

Back to School!

Welcome to the 2015-16 school year!  On behalf of the team in the Aboriginal Education Department in the Richmond School District, we are looking forward to working with you and your child this year.  The goal of the Aboriginal Education Department is to provide a level of support designed specifically for your child’s needs in mind in an inclusive setting where Aboriginal content is seamlessly integrated across the curriculum for the benefit of all students.

We are currently distributing permission forms to students with Aboriginal ancestry that will need to be signed in order for our students to participate in Aboriginal district program.  Please return these signed forms to your school's secretary.