Thursday, March 9, 2017

Truth Before Reconciliation Event

 Friday, March 10: Truth Before ReconciliationWhile much academic and public discourse since the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's final report has emphasized reconciliation, there remains deep skepticism about the process of reconciling that so readily glosses over truth-telling. This presentation, by UBC Aboriginal faculty Patricia Barkaskas and Sarah Hunt, takes up the idea that truth as it relates to the TRC is essential to any meaningful process of reconciliation in Canada, and that this truth disrupts the notion that we have entered an “Age of Reconciliation” and challenges us to consider how we will meaningfully address the ongoing colonial project in Canada. This event is free and open to everyone.
Fri, March 10, 6-8pm
Room 1900SFU Harbour Centre
Registration required for this event.

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